jueves, julio 25, 2024

A gathering of homunculus Part 3

Things are getting more interesting and more complicated in Las Vegas. The gathering of homunculus around the monolith had already attracted all kind of players, from well known organizations to soldiers for hire looking for a job. Well, now we can add Rising Phoenix and her merry band. It isn't much of a surprise. I knew the presence of my friend Alice would be like a call to arms for the Upstarts. Rising Phoenix wants to impress her and this seems like the right ocasion. This will be an all out battle mixed with a Pokemon tournament, as the goal is to get as many homunculus as possible. Catch them all could be our warcry. I am pretty sure it's the number one slogan right now in Las Vegas. Even people who don't know what an homunculus is want one because they do know they are valuable. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many factions and free agents after them, right?

As you can see in the picture, our ally, the legendary cyber warrior Alice is ready to meet Rising Phoenix, while the rest will figure out how to get homunculus to a safe place. We are not capturing them. We are offering them a chance to stay out of a dungeon or a lab, which is where the others will put them as soon as they can. The moment to act will be very soon, as more homunculus are showing up to their strange night rituals at the monolith. At this rithm, there will be homunculus for everyone. I wonder if the enigmatic Augustus Severinus Píngolas will show up. It would be like Elvis assiting to a convention of Elvis imitators. Something that has to happen in Las Vegas.

You should follow and support our friend and ally Alice Ayers in her official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!, Gwen Marsters

martes, julio 23, 2024

MUTENTIS: De la A a la X

Interrumpimos la narración de la gran reunión de homúnculus en Las Vegas para hablaros del nuevo recopilatorio de ilustraciones de uno de nuestros colaboradores más ilustres, Conrado "Entiman" Martín. En esta ocasión la temática es mutante. A las ilustraciones que hizo en octubre del 2022, ha añadido 18 hechas este año, de personajes tan icónicos como Masacre y Mística. Con diseño y maquetación de Mikel Navarro, estamos indudablemente ante una joya de 60 páginas que todo amante de la Cultura Pop querrá tener, pero solamente podrán conseguirlo 75 afortunados. Qué mejor manera de celebrar el estreno de Masacre y Lobezno, triunfal entrada de los mutantes en el MCU que con este libro de ilustraciones.

¿A qué estáis esperando? Podéis haceros ya mismo con un ejemplar de dos maneras:

  • En su tienda online, que ha reabierto para la ocasión.
  • Contactando con un mensaje directo a través de su cuenta de Twitter

Podéis seguir y apoyar a Conrado "Entiman" Martín en los siguientes enlaces:

¡Por Isis!

domingo, julio 21, 2024

A gathering of homunculus Part 2

Surprised, aren't you? I bet you didn't see this one coming. But if you were as intelligent as you think you are you'd know why I couldn't stay away from this so called gathering of homunculus. The self proclaimed Master of Disguise is a big COWARD and keeps hidden under some rock while the whole world apparently is looking for homunculus made after his sad and ugly appearance. It's clear that having three of them is not enough to make him show his face. Their connection mustn't be strong enough to hurt him.

We need more homunculus, not just to draw him out but to figure how to make him pay for his crimes against us, the High Table of Wisdom, and rightful heirs of the glorious legacy of the Academy. I have chosen this rumored gathering in Las Vegas because Gwen Marsters, the technomage from Bronx, has talked about putting together an army of cyberwarriors. I assume that the best of them will be there. I will show her my power. My dear Alice, you are about to see the biggest show in all the History of Las Vegas, and you won't to have to pay a penny.

Rising Phoenix

The Academy will prevail!