domingo, noviembre 13, 2022

Happy Birthday Alice!!!

To keep track of all the Enemies of Humanity both in the phisical and digital world, we need brave and determined allies, and no one is better at her job than the magnificent and classy cyber warrior Alice. She can get in the most exclusive parties, those that are not even hinted at by the gossip magazines, because even them don't dare to mess with this kind of heat. That's how we can keep tabs on groups like Elysium. That's how we found out about the infamous Great Gorynych. And that's why this day means so much to us. It's her birthday. So let's wish her a Very Happy Birthday. If we are still alive and kickin is in a good part thank to her.

You should follow and support our friend and ally Alice Ayers in her official Instagram account:

May the wise Isis guide and protect you!

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